2016-01-20 49745
无固定期限劳动合同管理的法律实务 ——无固定期限劳动合同=铁饭碗? Legal Practice on Open-ended Employment Contract Management ——Is Open-ended Employment Contract a Lifelong Job? 本期讲师(Brief Introduction to Jason Lu, Esq.): 毕振洲律师 上海江三角律师事务所苏州分所主任、资深律师、劳动法培训师.《劳动法苑》副主编,《劳动法苑》、《人力资源》期刊特约攒稿人。中国法学会会员,上海劳动法学会委员,中国管理科学研究院学术委员会特约研究员,“第八届中国经济学家论坛特邀嘉宾。1996年获得律师资格,清华大学法学院民商法学研究生班毕业,曾在山东、北京、上海执业多年。著作:参与编写《论剑》、《劳动合同法HR应用指南》、《纷争与和谐——劳动争议预防与处理实务精要》。 Mr. Bi is the chief of River Delta Law Firm Suzhou Branch ,senior attorney and trainer in Labor Law, the subeditor and writer of “Labor Law Society” , the writer of “HR” magazine, one member of the China Law Society, guest researcher of Academic Committee of China Manage Science Academy , invited guest of the “the Eighth Economist's Forum---2007 International Seminar on Analysis and Prediction of Socio-Economic Situation in China “ He has got the qualification of Lawyer in 1996, and graduated from post-graduated class in law school of Tsinghua University. He has practiced as a attorney in Shandong, Shanghai, Beijing for many years. The writings he has participated in as follows: ”Dialog” ”Application Guidance on Labor Law Contract for HR” “Dispute and Harmony—Practice Essentials of the Prevention and Settlement of Labor Disputes” “Legal Practice on Succession Plan of Enterprise”. 讲座背景(Background): 众所周知,“无固定期限劳动合同”是《劳动合同法》给用人单位提出的诸多新问题中最为头痛、最具挑战性的问题,因此也自然成为了用人单位在员工关系管理中所共同且高度关注的最热点和最难点问题之一。无固定期限劳动合同究竟如何界定?究竟是好是坏?究竟是不是“铁饭碗”?如何正确处理其与固定期限劳动合同的关系?“满十年”如何计算?“满十年”后是否必须签订?“连续两次固定期”如何认定?此后单位还有没有选择权?哪些员工不适用?应签未签有何严重后果?如何合法有效规避?对此类合同员工如何调岗调薪?如何合法有效地解雇淘汰?如何通过提高管理水平有效应对这一挑战?等等具体问题均是围绕无固定期限劳动合同的种种典型疑难困惑。本课程因此而生以为用人单位释疑解惑。 As well known, “Open-ended Employment Contract” is the trickiest and the most challenging problem provided to employer by Employment Contract Law. Correspondingly, it has naturally become one of the hottest and the most difficult issues for employer paying more attention in the management of staff relationship. How to define Open-ended Employment Contract exactly? How to balance the relation with Fixed-term Employment Contract correctly? How to calculate ten years of continuous working ages? How to define the occasion of twice consecutive renew of Fixed-term Employment Contract? Which kind of employees are not apply to Open-ended Employment Contract leaded by twice consecutive renew of Fixed-term Employment Contract? What are the serious consequences of non-renewal of an Open-ended Employment Contract while the employer should conclude an Open-ended Employment Contract according to the law? How to avoid the said risk effectively and legally? How to transfer the position of relevant staff or adjust the compensation of relevant staff? How to legally dismiss unqualified or incompetent employee with Open-ended Employment Contract? How to improve the management skills effectively for the purpose of coping with such challenge? etc. All these questions are typical doubts arisen from Open-ended Employment Contract, and this course is designed to help employer finding a solution to solve relevant issues. 课程目标(Objective): 1、帮助用人单位准确理解相关法律法规和政策的真正涵义。 Helping the employer correctly understand the real nature of related laws and policies. 2、帮助用人单位正确把握相关实务操作的各项技能。 Helping the employer correctly learn all the skills of related legal practice. 讲座大纲(Outline): 第一部分 劳动合同期限的正确理解与适用 Part One Correctly understand and apply the employment contract period 劳动合同三种期限的厘清 Clarify the three types of terms of employment contract 固定与无固定期限劳动合同的区别 The differences between Fixed-term Employment Contracts and Open-ended Employment Contracts 劳动合同期限与服务期的关系 The relationship between employment contract term and a term of service 第二部分 无固定期限劳动合同的订立实务 Part Two Conclusion practice of Open-ended Employment Contracts (一) 应当订立情形与相关实务 Conditions should conclude Open-ended Employment Contracts and related practice 视为订立情形与相关实务 Deemed as concluding Open-ended Employment Contracts and related practice 几类特殊员工的特别处理 Several special treatments of special employees 第三部分 无固定期限劳动合同的履行和变更实务 Part Three Practice on performance and amendment of Open-ended Employment Contract (一) 用人单位自身变化与合同履行实务 Practice of employer’s operation change and employment contract’s performance (二) 调岗调薪与合同变更实务 Practice of transferring, compensation adjusting and employment contract’s amendment 第四部分 无固定期限劳动合同的终止和解除实务 Part Four Practice on termination or rescission of Open-ended Employment Contract (一) 无固定期限劳动合同终止和解除情形对比 Comparison of Open-ended Employment Contract’s termination and rescission (二) 用人单位非过错性解除实务 Practice of employer’s termination without fault of employee (三) 用人单位经济性裁员实务 Practice of redundancy (四) 用人单位过错性解除实务 Practice of employer’s termination with fault of employee (五) 双方协商解除实务 Practice of termination by consultation (六) 用人单位违法解除的法律责任 The employer’s legal liability about terminating employment contract illegally 第五部分 咨询答疑 Part Five Question and Answer
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