2016-01-20 2163

We negotiate in almost every situation in life – without being aware of it: with the children about the pocket money, with the spouse over where the holiday is, with the head of appointments and projects, with the supplier on the dates, quantity, quality, prices and ... 在我们日常生活中, 无论我们是否意识到,谈判无时无刻不在:和孩子讨论零花钱,和配偶讨论哪里去旅游,和上司谈论工作项目,和商店人员讨价还价等等。。 And of course we are using – often unconsciously and spontaneously – a wide range of tactics and tech- niques. 有时候我们总是有意识或者无意识的在使用着各种技巧。 Before important negotiations focused planning, good preparation and judicious use of tactics and tech- niques are useful and necessary. 在谈判之前关注计划,合理准备变得尤为重要。 Negotiations are about ?communication“. And this also is a fact of daily life: we communicate the whole day. But what is communication? When and why does it run successfully sometimes – but sometimes not? Negotiating is challenging, complex, exciting – and requires a mix of knowledge, skills, experience and intuition. Every transaction is unique and there is no single technique for guaranteeing success. 谈判在某种意义上就是交流。 但是如何交流,为什么有时候交流顺畅,有时候会变得困难呢?交流是一种挑战,它复杂而又令人兴奋,它需要综合的知识,技巧,经验等等。没有单一的技巧可以让我们轻易的获得交流的成功。 Therefore, it is not the primary objective of the seminar to teach rules for successful negotiations. The aim of the seminar is rather to increase awareness of how we can leverage and use language, and to practice using language while purposefully paying attention to the effect of different approaches – and observing ourselves in these negotiations and learning from these actions. 本课程并不能立即教会你一两个技巧而让你成为谈判高手, 我们所能做的是建立起一种意识,让大家知道如何更多的关注在那些需要注意的地方,并能在合适的场合运用合适的语言技巧来认识自己的强项并建立起一套有效的谈判方案 Successful negotiation means to agree with one / several negotiators on an outcome with which both sides are satisfied, or at least agree (win-win situation). It should not be considered only a short-term success, but – in fact crucial for the future – the development of the relationship. 一个成功的谈判意味着双方达成平衡的一致,我们不能关注于短期的成功, 双赢的, 长期的,可建立起对等关系的谈判才是一个真正成功的谈判。

上一篇 沟通谈判技巧
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